The Ancient and Official Rules of Imperial Twing
Imperial Twing is an ancient magical card game played by wizards, witches, mages, sorceresses and many others within the Empire. The origins are unknown, but it has been around for centuries. Although the rules have evolved over time, in essence it symbolizes the ongoing battle to become part of the imperial aristocracy as Vice Archmage and the constant challenge of everyone using magic to control the power of the “Orn”.
The objective of the game
The goal of the game is to become the Vice Archmage of the Empire. You are a powerful wielder of the Orn and in the endeavor to achieve your goal, you must first collect (at least) three magical objects and then prove your mastery of the Orn in a final series of battles with your opponent(s) during the End Game.

This page is currently being updated – we hope to finish soon!
What is in the box?

- 160 poker sized, black core, linen finished playing cards
- German and English language versions of key cards and rules
- Four custom D12 “Orn” dice
- 30 “Orn” crystals (“ornicles”)
- Black cloth bag
- Two additional blank “magic object” cards (first edition special)
- Many hours of fun with friends & family
- Hilarious magical objects and frustrating special events
- Lots of hidden Teddies
- … and a beautiful black box that looks stunning on any shelf!
Identifying Cards
Imperial Twing includes four major types of cards, each of which has a unique design and colour on the back.

Character Cards
There are four character cards in the base game. These have a purple design on the back of the cards, and each card features a magical character representing the player.
Each player chooses randomly, or selects, one of these cards at the start of the game, and places it face up in front on them.
The colour of your chosen character card determines your “element” for the game (fire, water, air, life) with corresponding benefits when using spells and magical creatures of the same elements as your character (see later rules for details).

Playing Cards
The playing cards are used by all players during the game and include spells, magical creatures (also called critters), and special cards such as cats and traps.
The playing cards have a blue design on the back of the cards.
The details of the different types of playing cards, and how they can be used, can be found in the next section entitled “Different Kinds of Playing Cards”.

Magical Object Cards
Magical object cards represent the powerful items which players collect during the game and which are needed in order to win Imperial Twing.
Magical object cards have a green design on the back of the cards.
Each magical object card includes the name of the object and a brief description of its effect.
The details of the effects of each magical object are covered in the section “Powers of the magical objects“.
A player requires at least three (3) magical objects of different elements (colours) in order to enter the “end game”, with the Teddy of Agony counting as any color (wild card).
Note that the base set includes both German and English versions of these cards – please remove the cards in language you don’t want to use before starting to play!

Event Cards
The Imperial Twing event cards contain descriptions of random events which can occur when using magic, as the Orn is unpredictable.
The event cards have a red back, and each card contains the name of the event as well as a description of the effects.
A player draws an Event Card whenever they roll the “event” symbol (spiral) on the Orn dice, both when attacking and defending. Events can be positive and negative, and may affect the playing drawing the event as well as some or all other players.
Note that the base set includes both German and English versions of these cards – please remove the cards in the language you don’t want to use before starting to play!
Different Kinds of Playing Cards
Within the deck of playing cards (blue backs) there are a number of different kinds of cards with specific purposes.

Spell Cards
Spell cards represent the magical power of the Orn and are used to attack (and defend against) other players.
Each spell card has the symbol and colour of the corresponding element of the Orn, as well as the power of the specific card.
You can combine up to three spell cards of the same colour in an attack (or defense) and optionally add magical creatures to support and assist.

Magical Creature (Critter) Cards
Magical creatures (also known as critters) join your cause and can be used to assist you in both attacking and defending against other players.
Each magical creature card has the picture and name of the creature on the card, as well as it’s strength (power).
You can choose to add magical creatures to your spells when attacking and defending, and you have the possibility to defend using magical creatures as a “shield” without using spells.
The power of the creatures are added to the total amount of your attack/defense when resolving battles.
Creatures with the “M” symbol are mounts which can carry another creature of the same or lower power.
Place all magical creature cards face up on the table in front of you – these form your “entourage” and will support you in your quest to become the Vice-Archmage.

Cat Cards
It has long been known that cats have a special relationship with magic and the Orn.
Black cat cards can be played whenever you are rolling the Orn dice and allow you to reroll the dice one time. Be careful as you must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse!
The special white cat card “Miromon” reverses the result of ANY roll of the Orn dice, for yourself or your opponent.
Three cat cards can be “sacrificed” in the Ritual of The Ornly Cat to enable a player to draw the top card from the magical objects pile …. powerful indeed!
Keep any cat cards in your hand (with spells and traps) to use when the time is right.

Trap Cards
Traps can be used to capture or neutralise your opponents magical creatures.
During a battle, including duels, you play play trap cards when attacking or defending to neutralise your opponents creatures.
Place the trap card onto the creature you are targeting, which is then removed to the discard pile.
Note that if a mount is targeted, only the mount is discarded, the creature riding the mount remains in the battle.
You can also use a trap card as an action, during your turn, to “capture” a magical creature of your character’s alignment (colour) from any opponent. The creature is added to your entourage and the trap card discarded.
Keep any trap cards in your hand (with spells and cats) to use when the time is right.
The Orn: An ancient force
The Orn, the ancient force behind all magic, has a mind of its own. Magic is easy to use, but the Orn is difficult to control and even more challenging to master. With skillful tactics, courage, and luck, you can acquire powerful magic objects created by the will of the Orn.
Only those who are powerful enough can control the Orn, and only those who master the Orn will receive the illustrious title of Imperial Vice Archmage in this ancient imperial game. The Orn currently manifests in 4 elements:
- Red: Orn of Fire
- Blue: Orn of Water
- Green: Orn of Life
- White: Orn of Air

“The Orn is the force behind all magic, easy to use, but difficult to control!”
– The Archmage of The Empire

When the Orn is used for magic spells during battle, magical processes happen which generate Ornicles that appear in different shapes (colored crystals).
These crystals can be collected by the wielder of the winning spell and can be used to conjure magical objects. If you don’t use magic, you don’t get Ornicles, such as in case of shielding in defense.
Game Setup
To begin the game, each player draws randomly (or selects) one of the Character cards and takes a corresponding “Orn” dice (one of the coloured 12-sided dice).

Character: Become a legend
You chose one of four characters at the start of the game. Each character possesses mastery over one Orn element (color), giving you advantages when you play this color in battle. The characters are:
- Water (blue): The Witch of the Burbling Rivulet
- Fire (red): The Mage of the Lambent Matchstick
- Life (green): The Sorceress of the Picturesque Flowerpot
- Air (white): The Warlock of the Balmy See Breeze
The playing cards, magical objects, events cards and Orn crystals should be laid out as follows:

Example setup (two players setup shown)
The Playing cards (large stack with a blue background) are shuffled and placed in the centre of the table.
Event cards (red back) and Magical Object cards (green back) are also shuffled and placed face down on either side of the Playing cards.
The top two Magical Object cards are drawn and placed face up on the table.
The “Ornicles” (coloured crystals) are placed in a convenient location for all players to access.
Each player places their Character card face up in front of them, along with the corresponding coloured “Orn” dice.
Each player draws THREE Playing cards from the stack and places any Critter cards face up on the table in front of them.
Spells and other special cards are kept in the hand (not displayed to the other player(s) – in the example (left) these cards are laying face down on the table, however players should hold these in their hands.
Start: The game is on
- Everyone rolls the dice at the same time and the highest number begins (re-roll if two or more players role the same highest number).
- Starting player begins their turn and also decides the direction of play (clockwise of counter-clockwise) for this game.
Player Turn actions
At the start of your turn, draw 1 card from the deck of playing cards (the large stack of cards with blue backs).
Any spell cards, cats and traps remain in your hand. All magical creature cards are immediately placed face up on the table in front of you. These form your entourage (army of magical creatures).
If you no longer have a spell card in your hand, always draw playing cards immediately until you have a new spell card. Any cards drawn that are not spell cards are immediately discarded.
Then choose ONE of the following actions:
- Attack any other player
- Duel another player for one of their magical objects
- Buy a magical object, of you have sufficient ornicles (five in a standard game)
- Play a trap card to kill or capture another player’s magical creature
- Perform the Ritual of The Ornly Cat (if you have three cat cards) to draw a magical object from the top of the pile
- Announce you are entering the end game (if you have sufficient magical objects) and make and end-game attack
- Pass and draw TWO additional playing cards from the stack
Maximum Spell Cards Rule
- You may only hold up to three different colors (elements) of spells in your hand.
- If you have more than three colors in your hand, discard spells of one color to the discard pile
- You can only have a maximum of 15 spell cards in your hand.
Magical Creatures (Critters)
- Critters with the same color as your character are protected (see description below)
- When drawn, place them face up in front of you, as they belong to your entourage.
- Mounts (Symbol M) can carry another critter of same or less power. Then both critters count as one unit/critter.
Fighting: Attack and Defense
- On your turn you have the option to attack any other player.
- Announce the attack, and who you are attacking, and then place the cards you are using in your attack face up on the table.
- You MUST play at least one spell card to attack. You may play up to three spell cards of the same element (color) in a single attack.
- Your opponent MUST defend, either using spells (and optionally adding magical creatures) or using magical creatures only as a “shield”.
- Optionally, add one creature of the same color for each spell card placed. Creatures riding a mount do not count in this total (the creature and mount count as one creature).
- Add up all the points on the cards (spells and creatures).
- Do the same for defense, unless you play creatures as a shield (see special defense).
- Roll your Orn dice and add/subtract the result from your total points .
- Play cats and traps at will during the fight to change the outcome.
- Whoever has more total points at the end wins, and takes 1 ornicle as a reward.
- All spell/special cards played are discarded.
- All creatures of the winner return to their entourage.
- All the losers’ creatures go to the discard pile (exception: own color played in the attack).
- When there is a tie (attacker and defender have the same total power result), all creatures of all players return to their entourages and all other cards played are discarded (spells, cats, traps).
- If players have a simultaneous action (for example both roll an Event on the Orn dice), the Attacking player goes first (has the initiative).
ALSO remember to check for the effects of magical objects which can negate the effects of certain rolls as well as cat and trap cards.
Orn Dice Symbols: The Will of the Orn
Magic is unpredictable and can sometimes have unexpected consequences.

Whenever you utilise the power of the Orn, whether attacking or defending, you roll the Orn dice to determine the effect of your spells.
The numerical result (from -4 to +4) is used to modify your total power (added to the sum of the spells and creatures you are using).
There are also three “special symbols” which have the following meanings:
Sun | Critical Hit | You win! |
Cross | Critical Fail | You lose! |
Spiral (“The Orn”) | Event | Draw an event card and do what it says |
Events are resolved immediately before any other actions are performed.
After any events are actioned, a cat card can be played by either player (attacker of defender) to re-roll their dice. Some magical objects also enable the dice to be rerolled. Multiple cat cards can be used in succession, however only the result of the last roll counts.
If both players role a Critical Hit or Critical Fail, and no cats are played to change the results, then the attack results in a tie – creature cards return to the player’s entourages and spell cards are discarded. No Ornicles are awarded to either player.
If both players roll an event, the attacking player event is actioned first.
Traps always work (there is no saving throw or chance of failure). You use a trap card by place it face upwards onto another player’s critter card.
You can play a trap card in two ways.
- During your turn: As an action, you can capture a magical creature of your Character’s color from another player’s entourage and add it to your entourage. This ends your turn.
- During battle: You can remove one magical creature of your opponent, sending it to the discard pile. In case of a mount and rider, only one is discarded. You can play a trap card at any time during a battle, including after the Orn dice have been rolled.
To play a cat card, place it face upwards on the table and announce you are rolling the Orn die again.
Cat cards allow you to reroll The Orn die one time during a duel or battle.
You can use multiple Cat cards one after another, but you must always use the result of the last roll of the Orn die.
The “Ritual of the Ornly Cat”: The Orn is with you
As Cats are uniquely linked to the power of The Orn, you can sacrifice/discard three cat cards to draw the next magic object from the top of the magical object stack (if any remain).
Miromon: The white cat

Miromon is a unique card which is used in the same way as a standard (“black”) cat card, however when played your dice roll or that of your opponent is inverted!
=> Critical fail becomes critical hit, -4 becomes 4, event becomes 0, …
Note: as Miromon is a cat card it can also be used as one of the three cards discarded for the “Ritual of the Only Cat”, to gain a magical object.
Mounts (M): Wolpertinger and War Horse

Mounts can carry creatures of equal or less strength to themselves.
Both creatures (the mount and the creature riding) then count together as one stronger unit / creature. Mounts can never carry other mounts.
Hence, for one spell card you can now add mount and rider. If, for example, if a player attacks or defends with three spell cards, and additionally uses three Mounts, then a total of six (6) Magical Creatures could be added.
In case of traps only one of the two magical creature cards are discarded – the player who uses the Trap card decides which creature is discarded.
Elemental alignment: Playing your color

Playing your own character’s element (color) gives you two advantages:
- Using a spell of the same color (element) as your character for either attack or defense, will be more effective as your character is highly skilled in magic of this element. Hence, if you roll The Orn die in a battle, the negative numbers count as zero. But a critical fail is still a critical fail.
- Similarly, when aided in an attack by your critters of the same element, you are better able to protect them from harm. Even if you lose the attack, these critters will return to your entourage for future battles. (This ONLY works for attacking, not when defending).
Special Defense: Shield

- The defending player can choose not to play a spell, but instead place down as many critters of one color as you want as a shield.
- The shielding (defending) player does NOT roll the Orn die, as they are not using magic.
- If the defending player wins, the shielding critters return to their entourage, however if they lose then all shielding critters are discarded.
- The defending player does NOT receive an Ornicle if they win, as they have not used the Orn during this battle.
- If the defending player has the Teddy of Agony, they may also add one additional magical creature of another color to their defense.
Events: Expect the unexpected

The Orn is unpredictable and magic is easy to use, but difficult to control.
Whenever you roll the Orn Symbol (spiral), you must imediately draw an event card and do whatever the event card says. Resolve any event(s) before taking other actions.
If several people roll The Orn Symbol at the same time, the primary attacker must draw an event card first and resolve the outcome. Then, one after another in order of play, the other players draw their events cards and resolve any outcomes.
Event cards may affect just you, or all players.
Some magical objects shield you from events, even the good ones! (You will still draw an event card, but the effects do not apply to you).
Magical Objects

Magical Objects are rare and powerful items in which the power of The Orn manifests to provide their owner with special abilities.
In order to win Imperial Twing you must collect at least three (3) magical objects of three different colors – the Teddy of Agony is a wild card which counts as its own color.
Each Magical Object has a unique power granted to the character who posses it (see the table below for details).
You can acquire Magical Objects through:
- Buying them using Ornicles as an action during your turn
- Duelling another player to steal an Magical Object from them
- Performing the Ritual of the Ornly Cat
- An event
You can posses as many Magical Objects as you like, however you can only use three magical objects at a time. Put all further magical objects that you possess to the side, so that all players can see them. Only the ones next to your character are active and their powers effect the game.
You can switch which of your magical objects are active at any time, except during a battle or duel.
Buy Magic Objects: Become even more powerful
If you have enough Ornicles (5 to be exact, in a standard game), you can buy one of the two magical objects that lay openly on the table (face up).
- Pay the required number of Ornicles, choose a magical object and lay it face up next to your character. From now on you are more powerful and you can use the powers of the magical object.
- When you have chosen one magic object, draw a new card from the magical object stack (if any remain) and lay it down facing up.
- You can only use three magical objects at a time, so if you exceed this limit you must choose which cards to keep active (play face up next to your character).
Stealing Magical Objects: Fight a Duel
If you want to steal a magical object from another player, you must duel them. This requires that you put up one Ornicle as the “stake” to initiate a duel.
- Announce that you will duel another player, nominate the player and place one Ornicle on the table as your stake.
- You will fight your opponent 3 times in a row, and you must win 2 out of 3 battles.
- You are always attacking.
- Your opponent must defend.
- No other player can support in the duel.
- If you win 2 out of 3 duels you can choose the magic object you steal from your opponent and add it to your collection of magic objects. The “staked” Ornicle returns to you.
- If the defender wins 2 out of 3 duels the attacker won’t get anything, and the defender gets the attackers staked Ornicle.
Powers of the magical objects: No two are the same
Teddy of Agony | Add one additional magical creature of any colour to your attack / defence (this can include a mount and a creature riding the mount, which still counts as one creature). |
Panties of Protection | If you roll a critical fail it counts as 0 on the dice. |
Hat of Opportunity | When you are defending an attack, you may roll the Orn die again one time if you wish (this is not affected by the Socks of Certainty). You must take the result of the new roll. |
Giant Red Shamrock | When you are attacking, you may roll the Orn die again if you wish (this is not affected by the Socks of Certainty). You must take the result of the new roll. |
Puppet of Clarity | When you draw an event card it has no effect on you, but still has an effect on all other players as appropriate. This includes events which would be positive / beneficial for you! |
Boots of Certitude | Your opponents cannot use trap cards against you. |
Bra of Destiny | Your opponents’ critical hits count as 0 against you. |
Socks of Certainty | Your opponents cannot use cat cards against you, including Miromon. This does not stop your opponent from using cat cards against other players, nor does it prohibit them from performing the “Ritual of the Only Cat”. |
Cup of Lamness | Your opponents cannot mounts creatures when attacking or defending against you. Creatures which are mounts can still be used, however the cannot have a rider (mounted creature). In a multiplayer situation (such as during the end game) this restriction only applies to attacks against you, not other players. |
Multiplayer rule: Support one side
In a 3 or 4 player game, you have the possibility of joining in and supporting either side of a magic battle (but not a duel).
- Stake an Ornicle and support a side with a spell / creature of the corresponding color before the dice roll!
- Make sure it is clear which player you are supporting.
- Your side wins: You receive an additional Ornicle and take your stake back.
- Your side loses: The winner receives your Ornicle plus regularly one more for winning the battle.
- Only the two main opponents may use their magic objects, roll the dice or play traps and cats.
Endgame: Finally become Vice Archmage
It’s your turn and you have 3 magic objects of different colors, the you can start the endgame.
- Say loud and clear that you are now starting the endgame.
- If you have no magic object, you lose immediately and surrender (leave the game)
- Now it’s one against all. Your attack goes against all remaining players at the table at the same time.
- Everyone must defend themselves individually!
- All roll their Orn die at the same time.
- Each battle is resolved individually. Creatures are only discarded at the end.
- You win: take a magic object from the respective opponent.
- You lose: the opponent receives 1 Ornicle.
- If you are the last person in the game, you have won and are the Vice Archmage
- If one of your three magic objects is stolen, the endgame phase ends for you and you continue to play in the regular mode until you have 3 magic objects again and restart the endgame.
Surrender: Retire when it becomes hopeless
Sometimes the Orn simply isn’t on your side … or perhaps for some other reason you need to end your game. If at any time a player wishes to withdraw from the game, they can do so by announcing their retirement:
- Turn your character card face down.
- Discard all spells, critters, and special cards.
- If there is more than 1 player remaining in the game, distribute your magical objects and Ornicles to the other players, as you wish.
- Thank your opponent(s).
- (optionally) watch the game play-out with the remaining players (if more than one player is remaining)
And may The Orn be with you …
The team at Imperial Games GmbH wishes you many hours of fun playing Imperial Twing.
Original Variations

Imperial Twing can be played in many different ways. In your box you’ll find two spare magical object cards and cards in a language you won’t need.
Feel free to change any rule so that it fits your style of play, and to create stickers to replace the event cards with events you like to create a different game.
Add whatever you think should be added to make it more fun.
If you come up with something really cool, please let us know by mailing us: info@imperialgames.ch
The following game varitions are already possible with the box you have:
Duell Twing (2 Players): Play as mentioned above.
Trippel Twing (3 Players): Play as mentioned above. Additionally, the third player can choose during an attack of another player to join either the attack or the defense side.
Battle Twing (4 Players): You play it like the Trippel Twin with 4 players (all against all).
Royal Twing (4 Players); A 2 vs 2 game following the standard rules. But you play in teams of two. Partners sit next to each other and are allowed to look at each other’s cards. After each draw from the stack, you can each exchange one card with your partnering player to help each other. Magical objects cannot be exchanged. Only one player can win.
House Rules

The following rules were created by other players – feel free to try them out and to create your own!
Fluffy Alley Fist Fight (FAFF): You only need 2 Ornicles to buy a magical object. Makes the game a lot quicker.
Unreliable Traps: Traps are unreliable. If you play a trap, role the Orn die. If you roll negative numbers, the trap malfunctioned and this action didn’t work. Hence, only 2 out of 3 times you’re successful playing a trap.
Sacrificing Cats: Sacrifice 2 cats in an attack and you can roll the Orn die again, but now it counts as if you would play your own colour (e.g. negative rolls don’t have an effect).
Heroes: Use two Ornicles to crate a hero (you could have them right from the beginning). A hero can only be a critter of your colour and in your entourage. Place the two ornicles on the hero. Your hero has now an additional +2 strength and 3 lives. Each time your hero is defeated it looses 1 Ornicle and accordingly 1 life and strength. You can only have 1 hero at a time.
Weapons: Take whatever you find in your lego or playmobil leftovers to get weapons for your critters. Define with your friends how much a weapon costs to improve the power of your critters. Weapons are lost, when critters die.